El vino nunca ha sido mejor; Hay un Vino para Todos (incluye desayuno y degustación) (Presentada en español)
January 25, 2024
8:00 am - 2:30 pm
El vino nunca ha sido mejor; Hay un Vino para Todos (incluye desayuno y degustación) (Presentada en español)
Esta sesión abordará dos desafíos importantes y de actualidad que afectan a todos los aspectos de la industria del vino, desde la viticultura, a la vinificación y al marketing.
Primero, exploraremos ejemplos de cómo la inteligencia artificial (AI) puede ayudar a viticultores y a bodegas a lograr objetivos de sostenibilidad, así como a identificar atributos únicos del vino en combinación con técnicas analíticas avanzadas como la resonancia magnética nuclear (sonidos)
El segundo tema será estrategias de adaptación para viñedos y bodegas ya sea por el cambio climático o por tendencias de consumo. Se compartirán ejemplos de cómo encontrar el nicho de mercado con varietales “menos conocidos” y vinos naturales, estrategias para mitigar el cambio climático en la vinificación, variedades resistentes y prácticas vitivinícolas sin pesticidas para producir vinos de alta calidad.
Para concluir, tras la sesión de preguntas y respuestas, habrá una cata guiada de vinos “menos conocidos” de estilos emergentes con uvas híbridas, Vitis Vinifera no comercial y coupage de sidra y vino.
Después del taller, todos están invitados al almuerzo buffet que se ofrece en la sala de exposiciones y a explorar todas las exhibiciones hasta que la feria finaliza a las 2:30 p. m.

Eva Bertran
Eva Bertran Consulting, California
Descended from generations of wine merchants, I was raised in Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia (Spain). Following my family’s tradition, I tasted a drop of Cava within hours of my birth, setting me on my path.
After earning my MBA at ESADE, I moved to Sonoma, California, in 1987 as part of the original team that launched Gloria Ferrer Winery from a trailer in a Los Carneros cow pasture. For over 30 years, I was part of the management team of both Gloria Ferrer Winery and the Ferrer family import company, Freixenet USA, where I launched and grew brands both boutique and high-volume brands from over 25 of the best-known appellations in eight countries, spanning Old and New World.
In 2019, I founded a business consulting company that assists domestic and import wineries and trade associations with strategic planning, business development, and sales plans.
I am a pentaglot (English, Catalan, Spanish, French, and Italian), and my travels have taken me to visit over 50 appellations around the world. There is so much more to discover!

Leticia Chacón-Rodríguez
University of California, Davis
Leticia, a wine professional with more than 20 years of experience in California, and currently the Winemaker and Winery Manager at the University of California, Davis. Previously, Leticia has been at Safe Harbor Wine Storage, Treasury Wine States, E&J Gallo Winery, Golden State Vintners (now Wine Group) and Delicato Family Vineyards.
She is on her third year as co-chair of the Program Development Committee for Unified Wine and Grape Symposium and participates actively on the Spanish Track.
She is an active member for the American Society for Viticulture and Enology (ASEV), a professional society dedicated to the interests of enologist, viticulturists, and others in the fields of wine and grape research and production. She is past President (2012-2013) for this Society, and she has served as a Poster Chair for the National Conference, Best Paper Award Committee, and others.
She enjoys her free time with her husband and her two young sons in various activities like cooking, reading, swimming, biking, watching movies, attending symphony orchestra concerts, among others.
MS in Food Sciences (Enology emphasis), UC Davis.
BS in Chemical Engineering, Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México, Mexico City.

Luis Diaz-Garcia
University of California, Davis
Luis Diaz-Garcia received his undergraduate degree in Agronomy from Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, and his master’s degree in Plant Biotechnology from CINVESTAV-LANGEBIO. He then joined the Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics Program at the University of Wisconsin – Madison and obtained his Ph.D. in 2018.
During his Ph.D., Luis worked in cranberry genetics, genomics, and phenomics, under the supervision of Dr. Juan Zalapa. After graduating from UW Madison, Luis moved to Aguascalientes, Mexico, and occupied a position as lead scientistic at INIFAP, a Mexican agency for research in agriculture, livestock, and forestry. At INIFAP, Luis conducted genetics and genomics research on several crop species including guava, maize, and Capsicum.
Luis joined the Viticulture and Enology Department in Fall 2022 and currently leads the grapevine breeding program at UC Davis. His lab at UC Davis integrates multidisciplinary and high-scalable approaches for guiding grapevine breeding efforts and preventing future difficulties in growing high-quality grapes in the light of climate change. Research and breeding in Luis’ group are based on the needs and priorities of growers, industry, nurseries, food processors, and consumers. His lab heavily relies on industry collaborations and on building relationships with growers to better assess current and future challenges, priorities, and areas of opportunity for grapevine breeding.

Encarna Gómez-Plaza
University of Murcia, Spain
I got my Ph.D. from the University of Murcia (1992) being the main topic of the doctoral thesis the study of the volatile components of grapes and wines. I did a post-doctoral research stay at Fresno (California, USA) for 16 months, hired by the Agricultural Research Service and California Raisin Advisory Board. The objective was to carry out a research project regarding the presence of trichloroanisoles in raisins.
I returned to Spain and continued working on grapes and wines for three years, focusing the research on their polyphenolic and chromatic characterization (1994-1996). I joined the University of Murcia in 1997, first as an Assistant Professor and later as a Full Professor in the area of Food Technology and from 2007 as a University Professor.
I have participated in more than 25 research projects, with regional, national and European funding, being the Research Leader in 15 of them and almost all of them have been related to the study of different aspects of grapes and wines with a special focus on the studies of phenolic compounds of grapes and wines, the different phenomena associated with them, affecting both to chromatic and gustatory properties (such as the astringency associated with tannins) and the modulation of their concentrations by applying various oenological techniques, such as the use of high power ultrasound.
Due to our large knowledge of wine properties and our experience in technological approaches, I have also led several contracts with different companies. With one of these companies, I have participated in a SME instrument on the Horizont 2020 framework, working in the development of an ultrasound system for wineries and we have been, together with Agrovin S.A., the promoters for the approval of the use of ultrasound in oenology, participating as representatives of the Spanish delegation in the meetings of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) for three years.

José Enrique Herbert-Pucheta
Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico
Professor José Enrique Herbert-Pucheta
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Scientist / Lecturer in metabolomics, analytical chemistry, and spectroscopy
Full time professor, ENCB IPN, Mexico
Head of the Mexican Scientific Delegation, International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV)
Scientific Coordinator of the 43rd World Congress of Vine and Wine (2022)
34 Peer reviewed research articles (21 articles as first and/or corresponding author)
Coordinator of the international analytical method for wine analysis with nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy published in the International Compendium of Methods of Analysis of Wine and Musts of the OIV.
Visiting Scholar, Texas A&M University (2023)
Invited plenary speaker in more than 100 International Conferences including the “Chemistry of Wine Symposium” by the American Chemical Society and World Congresses of Vine and Wine (OIV) since 2018.
Academic Degrees
I. B. Sc. Chemistry, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2002-2007)
II. M. Sc. Physical Chemistry, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2007-2009)
III. Ph.D. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance lambda cum laude (highest honors),
Université Paris Sorbonne, France (2009-2012)
I. Postdoctoral Research Associate, Purdue University, United States of America (2012-2013)
II. Postdoctoral Research Associate, Université Paris Saclay, France (2013-2015)
III. Junior Research Faculty, Mexican Ministry of Sciences, (2016-2021)

Hernan Ojeda
INRAE, France
Researcher in Viticulture, Vine Physiology and Grape Quality at INTA in Argentina (1993-2003) and then at INRAE in France (2003-present). Author of numerous publications at scientific international magazines and interventions in congresses and in scientific and technical meetings. He has been The Director of the Mastery in Viticulture and Enology in Argentine, and his educational activity is wide and varied since it takes parts in international post-degree courses. Vice President of GiESCO (International Group of international Experts of vitivinicultural Systems for Co-Operation). Likewise, he is an international consultant on grapevine irrigation management in different countries.

Gustavo Sotelo
Scribe Winery, California
Gustavo Sotelo is the Director of Winemaking for Scribe Winery in Sonoma, California. During his 8-year tenure at Scribe, Sotelo has worked on expanding the winemaking program, improving quality, brand development, and developing innovative wine styles and bottling formats for all brands under his purview.
Sotelo joined the wine industry in 2010 after an initial career in New York with a focus in Finance and Business Development. Originally from Mexico City, Sotelo has worked at Treasury Wine Estates – USA, Mumm Napa, and White Rock Vineyards.
Sotelo obtained a degree from the University of California, Davis Viticulture & Enology program. Upon graduating Sotelo followed his interest in Iberian wine and travelled to Spain to work at the prestigious Bodegas Mauro in the Ribera del Duero. Upon his return to California, Sotelo joined the Scribe. production team as their first Assistant Winemaker. Within a few short years, Sotelo took over the helm of the wine program and transformed it into one of the most innovative one’s in California.
In 2019, Sotelo and his wife founded their own project Orixe Sotelo, focused on Spanish grape varieties grown in California. Sotelo’s goal is to provide more diversity to California wines and import Spanish varieties non-existent in California.

Mireia Taribó Tena
Camins 2 Dreams, California
Mireia was born and raised in Catalunya, in the northeastern part of Spain. Her interest in wine started at a very young age. Growing up in Spain, wine is considered a food and was part of almost every meal. Mireia knew from a young age that she wanted to learn more about wine.
Mireia graduated with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of Barcelona, and then earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Enology at the University of Rovira and Virgili. When she was in her last year of studies, she came to California as an intern for a harvest season, which is where she met her wife, Tara Gomez. When that harvest finished, Mireia went back to Spain. In 2008, she accepted a harvest position at Castell d’Encus, a start-up winery in the Pyrenees Mountains of Spain. She quickly earned a winemaker position and worked there until 2014. While working at Castell d’Encus, Mireia went back to school to earn her Masters in Enology, Viticulture, and Marketing of Wine. Meanwhile her relationship with Tara grew and they traveled the world and visited all the wine regions together. In 2014, Mireia moved to California and began working as a wine broker and wine consultant.
In 2017, she started Camins 2 Dreams, a new adventure with her wife, Tara Gomez, making hand-crafted, terroir-driven wines that are fermented with natural yeast and use minimal intervention in the winery, and sourcing from organic, biodynamic and regenerative farmed vineyards that share the same values of respect for the land and their workers.
Mireia serves on the board of directors for the Sta Rita Hills Wine Alliance since 2019.

Luciana Moreno Turkovich
Turkovich Family Wines, California
Luciana Moreno Turkovich. Winemaker and owner of Turkovich Family wines, located in Winters California.
Luciana is from Mendoza, Argentina where she finished her studies in Food Science and Enology at the University of Don Bosco. She is 4th generation in the wine industry.