Do the show organizers earn a commission or percentage of the rate on the hotel rooms booked?
No. We negotiate the lowest rates possible for our members and exhibitors attending the symposium. We do this by not […]
Why isn’t the Unified Symposium held in another city where more hotel rooms are close to the event?
This has been considered for years and continues to be. It seems so simple to just find another venue that […]
What if I cannot book a room at one of the UW&GS contracted hotels I prefer?
There are more than enough hotel rooms in Sacramento available. If you are not able to reserve a room at […]
If the Hyatt or Sheraton in downtown Sacramento are sold out before the UW&GS housing opens, does that mean that the UW&GS has all the rooms?
No hotel will offer all rooms in its inventory to a conference. However, these two hotels provide a significantly higher […]
Why aren’t there more rooms at the downtown hotels?
We make every effort to obtain the maximum number of rooms we can and have been able to increase the […]
Why aren’t ASEV or CAWG members or exhibitors given a priority in booking rooms?
The majority of CAWG and ASEV members that attend do not stay overnight in Sacramento during the conference. Most of […]
Why aren’t there enough rooms in the Unified Symposium room block?
Each year we contract more rooms than are reserved. There are enough hotel rooms in total to meet demand. However, […]